Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 48 > Annunciation Church in HDR

Annun ciation Church is one of the nearby neigh borhood church es. Despite it's proximity to home, I know very little about it and can only recall having been inside once as a child for either a wedding or funeral. The church stands on one of the main streets so I pass it many, many times in the course of a week yet my eyes are always drawn down the rough stone walk, past the large gothic-style stained glass windows to the rectangular bell tower and the small courtyard where the walk ends. I chose to shoot there today thinking it would be the perfect subject for creating an image using an editing method that is rather new to me known as HDR or High Dynamic Range. This method uses a group of 3 differently exposed images which are combined to maximize the amount of detail that is available in both the darker and lighter parts of the scene. I've only once before attempted to do this so I'm sure there is much about this process that I do not yet understand. However, I learned quite a bit and I'm happy with the result.

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